Saturday, July 22, 2023


The 20-word genie script refers to a hypothetical scenario where you encounter a genie and can only make a wish in 20 words or less. Here's an example of a 20-word genie script:
"I wish for unlimited wisdom, health, wealth, love, and happiness, benefiting me and all I care about, ethically and sustainably."


Sacred geometry is a concept that involves the study and exploration of geometric patterns, shapes, and proportions that are considered to have special spiritual or symbolic significance. It is believed to reflect the fundamental principles and underlying structures of the universe, often associated with religious, spiritual, and philosophical traditions. The idea of sacred geometry dates back thousands of years and has been found in various cultures and civilizations throughout history.

Some key elements and concepts related to sacred geometry include:

1. Basic Geometric Shapes: 

Certain shapes, such as circles, squares, triangles, and spirals, are considered fundamental in sacred geometry. These shapes are believed to hold specific meanings and energies.

2. The Golden Ratio: 

Also known as the Divine Proportion or Phi (φ), the golden ratio is an irrational number approximately equal to 1.618. It is a mathematical ratio that appears in various natural phenomena and is often associated with beauty, harmony, and balance.

3. The Flower of Life: 

The Flower of Life is a complex geometric pattern composed of overlapping circles forming a flower-like design. It is considered a symbol of creation and interconnectedness and is found in various ancient cultures around the world.

4. Platonic Solids: 

These are five regular polyhedra—tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron—that have identical faces and angles. They are thought to represent the basic building blocks of the universe.

5. Vesica Piscis: 
This shape is formed by the overlap of two identical circles, creating a pointed oval in the center. It has significant symbolic meaning and is considered a representation of the divine feminine.

6. Seed of Life and Tree of Life: 

These are other geometric patterns derived from the Flower of Life. The Seed of Life is formed by seven overlapping circles, 

while the Tree of Life is an intricate diagram with multiple interconnected circles and lines. They are often associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Sacred geometry is not a strictly scientific field but rather a metaphysical concept that seeks to find connections between geometry, mathematics, and spirituality. Its principles have been applied in various art forms, architecture, religious symbols, and spiritual practices as a means to tap into higher consciousness and understand the underlying unity of all things.