The word "astral" comes from the Greek word meaning "related to a star" and it originally
described the heavens of the Greeks and the home of their gods. 

The concept of the astral world expanded in time to refer to what the ancients called "ghostland," a realm inhabited by etheric (energy) entities, disembodied spirits and highly developed angelic beings.

Normally  the limitations of our five physical senses keep us from seeing into the astral world because its made up of an energy that is invisible to us.

It is vibrating at a higher rate than the energy that comprises the material world
.There are ways to perceive it other than through direct entry into it via astral projection.

The Seven Planes of Existence

The seven planes of existence, in other words the seven planes that you, your spirit needs and
wants to go through to become complete. 

Our spirit go through many earthly lifetimes or reincarnation. 
Your very many earth lives are there for you, your spirit to learn the many lessons that your spirit needs to learn. 
Your spirit has to learn all the lessons that are required to ultimately become what is termed as a perfected spirit. 
Once you, your spirit has become perfected, only then can the spirit travel to the next higher plane. 

These seven planes  are as follows:

The Earth Plane (Physical) plane of low material vibration

The Astral Plane - where our spirit is continuously stepping backwards and forwards from the Earth Plane to the Astral Plane for lessons to be learn with the help of the Guardian Spirit.Its also known as the "emotional" realm because it reacts to our thoughts. 

Heaven and hell are actually just the astral plane, separated by vibrational frequencies.We are not the only entities that exist in the astral plane.
The Mental Plane - This is where the masters and the guardian spirits, will live.

The Buddhic Plane - This is the plane where the spirit becomes more ethereal and the spirit’s memory of the earth plane decreases.

The Nirvana Plane - This is the plane of peace and tranquillity and every memory of the earth plane has disappeared.

The Para Nirvana Plane -This is called the "waiting room", and this is where the reunion of the sixteen parts of the original spirit ultimately takes place. These are the mysteries that are known only to the very higher spheres of life.

The God Head -This is the ultimate and complete reunion of all energy and light of the
sixteen parts of your original spirit. 

But this is definitely not the end. It has now become the beginning again.

"...the sixteen parts have now become one and are now spinning faster and faster within the god head, faster and faster only to be spun off yet again into sixteen parts again, yes sixteen parts, sixteen individual spirits to start to learn all over again. These sixteen parts, these sixteen spirits, again will eventually meet and become as one. But only when all lessons of those sixteen spirits have been learned and understood. Because for spirit there is a never ending. Because life is never ending. You must always remember this one special thing, and that is. You are spirit and spirit is you. You are an individual and you are, someone very, very special."


Clean your aura before and after astral projection.


you can:

• Travel to different times and eras
• View your Akashic Records, the astral record of all past and future events for each soul
• Reunite with departed loved ones
• Balance and cleanse the chakras
• Receive direction from your spirit guides

The mid-regions of the alpha level are all that are required to achieve astral projection :         8-12 Cycles per second

ASTRAL PROJECTION for BEGINNERS,  EDAIN MCCOY,  1999. Llewellyn Publications  Saint Paul, Minnesota 55164-0383, U.S.A.

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