Aum Bhoor Bhuwah Swaha, Tat Savitur Varenyam , Bhargo Devasaya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat
Aum- God/Brahma
Bhoor - Pranic energy
Bhuwah - Destroyer of sufferings
Swaha - Happiness bestowing
Tat - God or Spirit
Savitur - Bright Sun/God (Savitur is also a deva some call upon using this mantra)
Varenyam - Greatest
Bhargo - Destroyer of misdeeds
Devasya - Supreme God
Dheemahi - Knowledge imparted/understood
Dhiyo - Intelligence
Yo - Who
Naha - Our
Prachodayat - Enlightenment
Aum- God/Brahma
Bhoor - Pranic energy
Bhuwah - Destroyer of sufferings
Swaha - Happiness bestowing
Tat - God or Spirit
Savitur - Bright Sun/God (Savitur is also a deva some call upon using this mantra)
Varenyam - Greatest
Bhargo - Destroyer of misdeeds
Devasya - Supreme God
Dheemahi - Knowledge imparted/understood
Dhiyo - Intelligence
Yo - Who
Naha - Our
Prachodayat - Enlightenment
This mantra is from the Rigveda which is part of The Vedas and is known to impart wisdom, understanding, and enlightenment.
"The Gayatri Mantra is said to be the oldest and most powerful of mantras, being thousands of years old. It purifies the person chanting it as well as the listener as it creates a tangible sense of well being in whoever comes across it.
Translated, it means