Saturday, July 8, 2023


Divine and loving Spirit Guides,

I call upon you with reverence and gratitude. I seek your guidance, wisdom, and support on my journey through life. As I open my heart and mind, I invite you to connect with me in this sacred moment.

Surround me with your loving presence and illuminate my path. Help me attune to the whispers of intuition and the signs you provide. Guide me towards fulfilling my highest purpose and aligning with my truest self.

I humbly request your assistance in times of uncertainty and doubt. Help me find clarity and discernment when faced with challenging decisions. Empower me with courage and strength to overcome obstacles and embrace personal growth.

Please awaken my inner awareness to recognize your subtle messages and synchronicities that lead me closer to my divine destiny. Grant me the patience and trust to follow your guidance, even when the way forward seems unclear.

With deep gratitude, I thank you for your unwavering presence and unconditional love. I trust that you will always support me on my journey, for the highest good of all. May our connection grow stronger as we work together in harmony and alignment.

Thank you, dear Spirit Guides, for your guidance, protection, and love. I am forever grateful.

And so it is.


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