Thursday, October 15, 2015

You are a living magnet

You are a living magnet;
you  attract into  your life people, situations and circumstances
that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts.
Whatever you dwell on  in the conscious grows in your experience.

Brian Tracy

The mind is a magnet

Never expect a  thing you do not want,
and never desire a thing you do not expect.
When you expect  something you do not want, 
you attract the undesirable,
and when you desire  a thing that is not expected,
you simply dissipate  valuable  mental force.
On the other hand,
when you constantly expect that which you persistently desire,
your ability to  attract  becomes  irresistible.
The mind is a magnet and attracts  whatever corresponds  to its ruling state.

Dr. Raymond Holliwell

Happy pocket full of money

Spend your money gladly, cheerfully, and with excitement. Whether you are buying items or paying bills, be glad that you are doing it. Money runs away from those who feel it is in shortage, those who have negativity towards its use.

David Cameron

Wealth and money is abundant!!

Never look at the visible supply.
Look always at the limitless riches in formless substance,
and KNOW that they are coming to you as fast as you can receive and use them.
Nobody, by cornering the visible supply,
can prevent you from getting what is yours.

- Wallace D. Wattles

Positive Thinking Power: Dr Emoto's Rice Experiment

The rice experiment is another famous Emoto demonstration of the power of negative thinking (and conversely, the power of positive thinking.)

In this experiment, Dr Emoto placed portions of cooked rice into two containers. On one container he wrote "thank you" and on the other "you fool". He then instructed school children to say the labels on the jars out loud everyday when they passed them by. Aftr 30 days, the rice in the container with positive thoughts had barely changed, while the other was moldy and rotten.

If you have any doubt in the validity of this test, try it at home for yourself. Be sure to spend at least 30 seconds, twice a day consciously intending negative thoughts or positive thoughts at the respective containers of rice. And make sure you use cooked rice, as its water content is what produces the results.

Science of getting rich

There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science,
like algebra or arithmetic.
There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches,
and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone,
that person will get rich with mathematical certainty. 

– Wallace D. Wattles.

Count your BLESSINGS day 1

I am truly blessed to have a wonderful husband because he loves me.
I am grateful for Albert Einstein because he inspires me.
I am blessed to have a healthy body because it gives me energy.
I am thankful for abundance of money because it makes my dreams come true.
I am thankful for talents because I can express my creativity.
I am thankful for my house because it keeps me safe.
I am thankful for the rain because it nurtures nature. 
I am blessed for my job because I can work from home.
I am thankful for my blog success because it may inspire people.
I am blessed with a beautiful daughter because she makes me happy.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Gratitude  turns  relationships  into  joyful  and  meaningful  relationships
Gratitude  makes  you  more  prosperous.    
Gratitude  increase  health  and  brings  happiness.    
Gratitude  accelerate  careers
Gratitude increases success

The power of gratitude turns your life into gold!

Give thanks!!!

Give  thanks  for the  morning  light, for your  life  and  strength.
Give  thanks  for your  food  and  the  joy  of  living.
If  you  see  no  reason  for giving  thanks, the fault lies with yourself.” Tecumseh 

Law of the Universe

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Twinflame divine truth by Liora

by LIORA ©

Twin Flames originate from the same essence or soul that was created by Father/Mother God in Divine Grace with the Source of all, that being, unconditional LOVE.

That ONE essence of Soul signature/song divided itself into two equal and opposite halves in order to experience physical duality.

In the beginning of creation as ONE SOUL, Twin Flames in their Sacred Union existed as a trinitized expression of the Divine Source of all that is. For the fullness of the Earth duality “game” they separated and became two distinct human beings, one carrying the masculine (yang) attributes of the Creator, and the other the feminine (yin), both in the exact equal and opposite frequency intonation. Perfect tonal polarity. DUALITY.

The SACRED “enlightened" Twin Flame union transcends all limited forms of relating on this planet. Third dimensional relating can only be a limited egoic focus on another for fulfilment. 

The “enlightened" Twin Flame Reunion exists in order to be in absolute service to the Divine Plan, which becomes the only reality of the Twin Flames. The SACRED Twin Flame Reunion is a continual unified field automatically accessing higher frequencies of oneness acting as a bridge to the higher dimensions thus functioning as a single consciousness of ONE SOUL vibration/ frequency. By LIORA  ©

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


The study of the consciousness in harmony;
a healthcare philosophy made of very practical physical and mental exercises aiming at a prepared mind in a focused body.

Sophrology uses a very practical set of tools: relaxation, breathing, visualisation and simple movements for:

    sleep problems
    stress and anxiety related disorders
    migraines and recurring headaches
    digestives problems
    chronic fatigue and ME
    stress related skin problems
    physical pain


     public speaking
    sport or art performance
    birth and parenthood
    etc ....


    identify positive inner resources and   strengths
  project development
    manage stress efficiently and improve concentration skills
    improve the ability to adapt to change
    develop interpersonal and communication skills
    boost creativity
    improve the ability to find solutions and make decisions

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Automatic writing (the ability to receive messages from your angels through written messages)

Find a quiet spot without distractions.

Sit at a table or desk where you'll be comfortable, with paper and pen (or pencil).

Take a few moments to clear your mind and tune in to your Angels. (meditate or use binaural beats) 

(Ask Archangel Michael)

Touch the pen or pencil to the paper.

Tell your angels what you would like help with.

Try not to consciously write anything.

While keeping your mind as clear as possible, let your hand write whatever comes across.

Avoid looking at the paper; you might even keep your eyes closed.

Give it time to happen (nothing might happen for quite a while).

When it seems to be done, if and when automatic writing does occur, look over what your hand has produced carefully. 

The writing may appear to be nonsense or just scribbling, Read and interpret the message

In addition to letters and numbers, look for pictures or symbols in the writing as well.

Keep trying. Nothing might happen your first few attempts.

If you start to achieve success, you can try asking questions to see if you can receive responses.

There is no guarantee that it will work, but don't give up if it doesn't work the first few times. Give it a chance.

Be aware of psychological dangers. Some messages that come across might be disturbing. If you're at all not able to handle this possibility, don't attempt automatic writing.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Sun - Angel card for 21 May 2015

This card indicates a wonderful time awaits you.
Endeavors you begin is blessed with abundance and success.
This is also time for new ideas and solutions.
Be creative and curious
Believe in yourself.
Don't be afraid to shine
Do what makes you feel excited and warm inside

Additional meanings:

Public recognition
Great personal insights

Monday, May 18, 2015

Moon phases 18 - 23 May 2015

What motivates some people to criticize and put others down?

What motivates some people to criticize and put others down? Usually because of jealousy and inferiority feelings.

 That person failed to achieve the same level of success, popularity or whatever .... so he will look for something to bring other people down or use innocent deeds of other people and turn it into something bad so he can win an easy point.

 Forget about what others are doing.  Stop looking at where they are and what they have.  Nobody is doing better than you because nobody can do better than you.  YOU are walking your own path.

 Happy people do a lot of things.  They spend time expressing gratitude, cultivating optimism, practicing kindness, nurturing loving relationships, committing to meaningful goals, savoring life’s little pleasures.

Protect yourself from contamination by limiting your time with negative people and the environments they inhabit.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Week 17 to 23 May 2015 - Six of Air

This week you may be leaving something behind that no longer serves you or your Higher good. It's hard to let go, but you know that in the long run, it is for the best. It's time to move forward to the next phase of your life.

It may be toxic people but also toxic behaviours or things toxic to your body. This may also indicate changes in your career, home or outlook.

You may feel troubled about having to make this break, but you'll be at peace with why you had to make this shift.

Be open to letting go and moving on to bigger and brighter things.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Angel Message for week 11 to 16 May 2015

Monday and Tuesday : The lovers

Communication is very important this week.  
You need to think very carefully about something, and make up your mind as
to which direction you want to take.  Maybe things are not going according to plan and you are feeling trapped because you are in a dead-end situation.

Whatever your choice or decision you are being offered a chance to get back
on the right path, and you are likely to find the answer you want by listening to
your intuition, rather than from outside sources.

Wednesday and Thursday:  King of Earth

It indicates that someone may enter your life who is ambitious and gifted in dealing or negotiating in financial, property or business matters. This person may offer some valuable advice that will help you to achieve your goals.
 This is a successful time. Your current projects will go well. Your talents and skills will bring rewards for you and others. Accept the opportunities offered you and have confidence that you’ll succeed!

 Put your creativity and new ideas to the test.

Weekend:  Emperor

 You may have the opportunity to play a more powerful role, or take control of a situation that could develop into a very successful future.

You are in a strong and solid position, so it is time to put your plans into action
in order to reach your goals and achieve success. Be more practical and
responsible, use your intelligence and reason, stick to your principles, and
things will go better than you think.


Saturday, May 9, 2015

9 May 2015. The Star

Wish upon a star 

Make your plans with the long view in mind 
Now is the time to envision your your life the way you want it to be and to take action.
Trust and follow your intuition.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Dreamer - Angel message for 8 May 2015


Archangel Metatron is the overseer of those who are new to the spiritual path, and to young people who are spiritually aware.

He can help you free yourself from situations that no longer serve you. 
Metatron can also give you the courage and confidence to make important changes in your life. Call upon Him when you wish to get in touch with the child that is within you or to release old fears that are holding you back.

You’re entering a new and exciting phase of your life.
It’s important that you believe in yourself and know that the Universe wants you to
succeed abundantly

Now is the time for faith, and commitment to your dreams!
Take any necessary steps to move forward with confidence. Take that leap of faith!!
Listen to your own inner guidance about following your dreams, but be open to information
from others regarding the detailed steps to take. 

You may need additional input or guidance from an expert before proceeding, but
don’t let this stall your forward movement. Actively seek the insight you need.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Angel reading for 5 May 2015 - GIVE US YOUR CARES

Archangel Raphael is the Angel of health. He guides healers and those who are ailing  (both human and animals)

He is non - denominational and unconditional loving.

He is always willing to help but we need to ask for his assistance.

The Angels would like to help you with stress situations. Release your fears to the Angels and trust that everything will be ok.

Relaxation methods like yoga, meditation or nature walks can be useful.

Trust and let go and let God

Daily guidance from Your Angels - 4 May 2015

If you have any concerns about money... give them to the Angels. They work very hard to help you heal from financial burden but you need to ask. 
Nothing come to you by themselves. 
Abundance also include opportunities, ideas, time.
The Angels are ready to shower you with Abundance.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Past present and future - Angel Tarot reading for 4 May 2015

Influence of Your Past - The Dreamer

You’re entering a new and exciting phase of your life. It’s important that you believe in yourself and know that the benevolent Universe wants you to succeed. Now is the time for faith, and commitment to your dreams! Take any necessary steps to move forward with confidence. Anything can happen and great opportunities awaits you!

Present situation

“Life Experience” - A recent event has been a wake-up call for you to make some life changes. This may be a new revelation or something you’ve known but have been procrastinating about. Now you’ve realized that this situation can’t be ignored and action is necessary. Remember change is not always a bad thing and necessary for growth.  Learn from your past mistakes and positively move forward.

Most likely outcome in the Future

“Ace of Air” - New ideas now take flight! Expect great inspiration to come, possibly from an event or situation that had previously troubled you. Now you see the opportunity to create something amazing, and you’re full of excitement. Focus your thoughts on your long-term goals and create a plan of action. You are ready to move forward.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Four of Fire - Angel Tarot reading for 3 May 2015

Perhaps you are recovering from hardship and now find yourself in a more stable and reassuring situation because you are reaping the benefits and feel content with your well-earned success. You’ve worked hard and are now rewarded with contentment, peace, and abundance. However, you need to be prepared to work harder to reach your goals. You are in a situation where you know you can show self-control, realism and constancy, and you are prepared to keep up the hard work. Just make sure that you have regained enough strength before going on to the next stage. 

You may have an obstacle to overcome possibly a problem with property, such as delays to completion.

You will still be heading towards achieving what you want, but there may not be the same amount of peace, prosperity and success. There may be unnecessary anxiety causing problems and difficulties. Be patient for a little longer and do not lose heart.

Those who have their feet firmly planted on the ground. 
Those who are not afraid of hard work. 
Those who never go beyond their limitations. 
Those who are realistic. 
Those who do not like taking risks or venturing into the unknown.
Those who only act when they have all the facts.

 The number four is symbolized by the square. The square is the best stable structure that man can make. Most manufactured products are square or have four sides? For example, the TV, microwave, washing machine, fridge freezer, your house etc. 

Jung’s introverted and extroverted types are also divided into four activities of the conscious mind, intuition, feeling, thinking and sensation. However, as promising as the fours are, it may have distinct limitations, where we could find ourselves being cast into the unknown suddenly facing hardship and many obstacles to overcome. The number four relates to building safe foundations and security and implies being careful and steady in your work or duties, and also putting in the effort. 

The element of fire is partially similar to Jung’s Intuitive type. It is the impact of the leader, the entrepreneur, the master, the maestro, the expert and the professional. Creative thinking and the ability to use his or her talents in whatever field of business. 

The fire element expresses hopefulness and confidence and even when this optimism is badly positioned, it one way or another, usually triumphs. Creativity, especially in the forms of writing and the spoken word are indicated with fire.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


  • My music is beautiful
  • I am an extremely talented musician.
  • I express my feelings and emotions through music
  • I translate life into music with soul
  • I am completely dedicated to my music.
  • I will create great music
  • I will creatively express the deeper meanings of life with my music
  • I will capture the beauty of life in my music
  • I am becoming more dedicated to my music
  • I will become a brilliant musician 
  • I am starting to feel more and more inspired
  • My musical skills are growing stronger
  • I am starting to see the musical potential in everyday occurrences
  • I am developing the mind of a true musician
  • I will create beautiful music
  • I live for music
  • I am a natural born musician
  • I can become a great musician
  • I love being creative and expressing myself with my music
  • Being a musician  is the most important thing in my life
  • Making great music is something I just do naturally
  • Being highly creative and musical is just my normal everyday life
  • My mind is constantly coming up with new ideas for new songs
  • I eat, breathe, and live music
  • I can touch people’s souls with the power of my music

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

UNITY - Angel Tarot reading for 1 May 2015

Working in groups enriches you right now.
There is no need to be alone!
It’s time for you to expand your circle of friends or join a group.
Seek out those who are like-minded and who share your
beliefs and ideals
This is also an optimal time to make friends with supportive new people who have integrity and a strong moral compass.
You may be looking for truth, understanding, new ways of thinking. Maybe also new opportunities of a spiritual nature.
Take a class on spirituality, or join an organization that aims to do good in the world.
It’s also time to question and review any rules, restrictions, or limited
beliefs that have been placed around your current situation
Be open to other people’s ideas and perspectives, but
don’t be bound by them This can lift any previous blocks
to the manifestation of your goals


I am filled with universal power and love.
All changes in my life are positive and empowering.
Changes in my life always empower me
I am open to infinite possibilities
I am willing to become the change I want to see in the world.
I am willing to change and grow.
I am willing to see things in a new way.

RELEASE - Angel Tarot reading for 2 May 2015

This card signifies that it’s time to move on leaving behind the situations or experiences that no longer serve you. There’s no benefit in remaining in this situation.
You’ve outgrown this phase of your life and are ready to move onward.
Instead, shake off the old and welcome the new!
Take time for new adventures that will enrich your purpose and allow you to evolve.
You may experience a sense of relief at this ending, or there may
be some sadness. Either way, it’s time to leave that which you’ve outgrown.
Take your time in adjusting to this change in your life.
It’s not necessary to haste ahead. Be kind to yourself during this period of transition, and seek the support of friends and family.


  • I release all old ways of thinking and eagerly welcome new ones. 
  • I release all past issues from my life.
  • I release all past pain, and welcome new space and freedom in my life.
  • Facing my fears empowers me to rise above them.
  • I accept that fear is just a feeling which will subside as I move forward.
  • I possess all the courage I need to conquer my fears.
  • I put my fears into proper perspective and then continue with confidence.
  • Today I release all fears and doubts.
  • The more I face my fears, the weaker they become.

The LOVERS - Angel Tarot reading for 30 April 2015

This card signals that a significant relationship is on your mind. It may be romantic in nature,
or it may be a close but platonic friendship.

Communication is key right now, and it’s important to develop trust within the relationship. You can
safely share your feelings with someone close to you.

It’s also time to make an important decision about your life.
This decision should be made from your heart. Follow your heart.
The conclusions you reach now greatly influence your future, so it’s important to weigh your options
Take time to weigh the matter and choose carefully.
Make sure your choices are carefully considered and that you’re able to act upon them


  • Accepting myself unconditionally gives me the power to succeed
  • I learn from my experiences and they help me to grow as a person
  • I find it easy to recognize my positive qualities
  • I love myself unconditionally
  • I am on the path to a brighter future
  • I am breaking free from my past
  • I am resistant to damaging influence
  • I can face anything that confronts me
  • I am in control of my emotions
  • I am deeply committed to achieving greatness in my life.
  • I am deeply committed to attaining the life of my dreams.
  • I am deeply committed to creating my ideal life.
  • I empower my life by being totally committed to improving it.
  • I make constructive decisions because I always know where I am going.
  • I make decisions quickly and easily.
  • I make decisions that come from my heart.
  • I make important decisions quickly and confidently.
  • I make wise and profitable business decisions every day
  • I make wise decisions whenever required.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Eight of Air - Angel Tarot reading for 29 April 2015

You needn’t stay in your present situation if you’re unhappy.
You are not a powerless victim. Don’t be afraid to take action.

Although you may feel there’s no way out, feeling trapped by own thoughts and ideas;
look again, maybe from a different angle.

There is a way out.
There are plenty of possibilities for freeing yourself from this situation in a healthy, harmonious way.

First, though, you must feel more confident about your abilities. Your interest may be opposed by other people and may restrict you in what you want to achieve.

Believe in yourself and keep your thoughts positive right now.

The key to freedom and success at this time is to see the truth of the situation and then to act with faith.

You do not have to be constrained by other peoples believe systems or ideas

(Traditionally also called Eight of swords/spades)


  • I am motivated and driven
  • I believe in myself 100% and I can achieve the lifestyle I desire
  • I am in tune with my personal power and in full control of it
  • I am grateful for my life
  • I am living a life of my own design
  • I will keep moving forward no matter what happens
  • I will go after what I want
  • I confidently speak my mind without hesitation
  •  I always stand up for myself and my beliefs
  •  I have high self esteem and love and respect myself
  • Others respect me and my ideas
  • I focus on the positive things in my life

Be safe

You have the power to break free from your fears and live the life you deserve

Monday, April 27, 2015

Six of earth - Angel Tarot card for 28 April 2015

Traditional tarot its called six of pentacles or six of diamonds.
Abundance is on the way. 
The Universe loves a grateful heart and rewards gratitude with more abundance. 
You may be the recipient of this bounty, or you may be the giver. 
Gifts may be monetary or take some other form, such as an opportunity, advice, and so forth.

Six is the number of harmony and balance, love and happiness.


I Gave My Cat a Tarot Reading

I Gave My Cat a Tarot Reading

I read this article about a man giving his cat a tarot reading!!

This was tooo sweet not to share.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Strength - Archangel Power Tarot 27 April 2015

        Archangel Ariel 

You have great strength and compassion! 

The kindness and understanding that you give to others are a blessed gift. 

However, it is equally important to show gentleness toward yourself. 

Archangel Ariel can help you stay strong in the face of any challenge.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

King of Air - Angel Tarot card for 26 April 2015

In Traditional tarot this card is called the King of Swords or King of Spades.

The symbols attached this card is. 

King - mastery, control, respect, judgement, command, leadership, mastermind 

Crown - power, legitimacy, immortality, righteousness, victory, triumph   

Throne -  monarchy, "power behind the throne. 

Sword-  symbol of mind and activity both destructive and constructive.


You may receive valuable advice from an intelligent professional. It’s important that your decisions be fair and equitable to all involved. Don’t hesitate to consult a third party, if necessary, yet speak your mind with confidence. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

My Spirit Animal - The Owl

This is spot on me!!!!

By Elena Harris, Editor

The owl spirit animal is emblematic of a deep connection with wisdom and intuitive knowledge. If you have the owl as totem or power animal, you’re likely to have the ability to see what’s usually hidden to most. When the spirit of this animal guides you, you can see the true reality, beyond illusion and deceit. The owl also offers for those who have it a personal totem the inspiration and guidance necessary to deeply explore the unknown and the magic of life.

Owl Symbolism

Symbolic meanings for the owl are:
  • Intuition, ability to see what others do not see
  • The presence of the owl announces change
  • Capacity to see beyond deceit and masks
  • Wisdom
  • The traditional meaning of the owl spirit animal is the announcer of death, most likely symbolic like a life transition, change

Three of Air - angel tarot cards 25 April 2015

Something has happened to make you sad.  This may be something from you past or current situation.

Be assured that this sadness will eventually pass and that everything happens for a reason. You will see the purpose of this situation eventually.

Take time to heal and release painful memories.

Let past disappointments and conflict go.    Focus on the recovery not on the loss.

Forgive other as well as yourself for past mistakes.  You did the best you could at the time .  Allow yourself to move on.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Seven of Air - angel tarot cards 24 April 2015

Stop! Examine your situation!

Your plans may lack correct information. Use your mind to analyze your situation and plan carefully the steps to achieve your goals. 

Review your actions with an objective eye and avoid carelessness.
there is a missing piece that you’re not seeing which may improve your situation.

Running in a circle get you nowhere. Look for another pathway that will lead you to the answer you’ve been looking for.

Pay attention to gossip.  Someone may have a hidden agenda. Also protect your belongings.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Ace of fire - angel tarot cards 23 April 2015

Exciting new opportunity awaits.  This might be in connection with your creative and inspiring view. Embrace new adventures that manifest in your life. 

Go go go

Be enthusiastic about new innovative ideas, maybe take some risks to follow your dreams. 

If you want to change your life.... Do it now!!!  

Additional meanings:

Starting a new business
Job offers or promotion 
A fresh start 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

22 April 2015. The Emperor (Father)

 - It’s important to cultivate logic, discipline, and order right now. This card signifies that although your dreams are valid and sound, they still need guidelines and organization so that they can manifest properly. Create a detailed plan for how you’ll proceed, and maintain kind but authoritative control over how that plan is implemented.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


There are times in our lives when situations we hadn’t
anticipated require us to move quickly. It doesn’t have to be a
challenge that worries us; it might simply be something
wonderful to consider—like having multiple job offers but a
short period of time to decide. We wouldn’t want to make a
rash decision, but we’re probably going to have to come to a
conclusion pretty quickly. Thinking is important, but our
feelings will probably tell us more about what we want to do.


What IS Tarot:

Tool of divination
Can be a religious experience
Warnings of situations
Preparation for events
Suggestive of making changes
Rewarding in usage

What Tarot is NOT:

Fortune Telling
A game
Utterly infallible
All knowing
One dimensional
Dictates or runs a life (you are responsible for you)
Tool of a Devil
Replacement for professional assistance such as health, financial or legal

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Angel tarot card reading for 19 April 2015 "Nine of Air” 

Positive thinking is essential right now. Your own obsessive, negative thoughts are the true culprits behind the trouble you fear. Release your guilt, and realize that regret is a wasted emotion. Turn your attention to the amazing possibilities for the future, and leave the past behind

QUEEN OF AIR = special card for 18 April 2015


 Your clear decision-making abilities are needed right now. See through any hidden agendas. It’s time to remove anything or anyone from your life whose presence no longer serves your greatest good. Still, try to see the underlying humor. 


Someone with incredible insight and perceptiveness with regard to situations and people. A person with a marvelous wit, a keen mind, and a forthright personality who doesn’t take life too seriously. A perfectionist, but not judgmental


The Queen of Air is  a Libra and Virgo combined. 
Her Libra side is intellectual and very interested in things being fair and balanced. 
The Virgo side wants things to be neat and organized, with everything done “just so.”

Angel Number of the Queen of Air

This is Card 63. 

The energy of the 6 is one of the material world,  “the real world” and has a strong sense of practicality and perfectionism. 

The 3 energy guides us to ask the ascended masters for assistance.

The number 63 reduces to a 9 (6 + 3). 

When our focus are on our  Divine life purpose and service to those around us, then everything will work out for the best.

Friday, April 17, 2015

TAROT CARDS - COURT CARDS (Page, Knight, Queen, King)

The Court cards each have a Page, Knight, Queen and King in each suit.

They represent the people in our lives, characters, kinships, talents or mistakes or non accomplishments.
When you see the Court cards, ask yourself who these people are, and why are they popping up in your reading. It can also represent situations in our lives.

Pages are seen as children of both sexes.
Pages are childlike in their behavior, and are not afraid to venture forth on missions of discovery.

Knights are seen as young adults of both sexes. Knights carry a youthful energy, and have the reputation of not thinking at times, before they act.

Queens are seen as mature or fully fledged and/or married women. Queens are receptive in nature, nurturing and supportive.

Kings are seen as mature and/or married men. They are seen as active decision makers.

 There are 4 ways in which the Court cards function within a reading:

1. As an environmental influence.
2. As representing a person in the clients life.
3. As representing the clients inner potential and talents, capacities and psychological state.
4. As relating to spirituality.

THE TAROT DECK Pip cards (Can use everyday cards for Minor Pip cards))

The Pip cards are numbered from Ace to ten and represent the every day situations, attitudes and emotions:
Similar to regular playing cards. numbered Ace  through 10 .

Suits are the four elements of earth, air, fire, water.

Diamonds (pentacles/ earth)   physical, things of value, money, the material  world

Spades (swords/air)  intellect, the mind with all of its conflicts and clarity

Clubs ( wands/fire)  Passion, Spirit in the active or masculine sense, kundalini energy

Hearts ( cups/water)   Love, spiritual energy in its feminine or passive form

THE TAROT DECK Major Arcana and Minor Arcana


Tarot originally consisted of two sets of cards called Arcana, which is the plural of Arcanum, meaning a deep or significant secret or mystery.

These two Arcana were later combined into the now-‐traditional 78 cards. The major and minor Arcana.  There is 22 Major Arcana also known as the Trump or Fate cards.

They represent the greater secrets in life, the important or major life issues and turning points in our lives(like marriage, pregnancy, relationship and career changes, and overcoming personal challenges)and things of spiritual importance or mysterious knowledge or 22 archetypes of human experience starting with the Fool.

These cards tell you about of the Fool's journey through life. The Fool, being you and me, starts out at a
young and tender age learning all his life’s lessons ending up older, wiser and knowledgeable.
 (the different phases from childhood to old age.)

56 Minor Arcana cards.

This include 40 Pip cards and 16 Court cards.
Both the pip and court cards are divided into 4 different suits and four different elements.
They reflects the day-to-day aspects of our lives.

The four suits are swords, wands, cups and pentacles.

The four elements are air, fire, water and earth.

Swords are an air sign and relate to thinking and our reason.
Wands are a fire sign and relate to our energy and enthusiasm.
Cups are the water sign and relate to feelings and our emotions.
Pentacles are the earth sign and relate to sensations and physical reality.

Suit                   Element                 Represents

Swords                              Air                                Tension. Intellect. Rationality. Logic.
Wands                               Fire                               Energy. Passion. Will. Enthusiasm.
Cups                                 Water                            Love. Emotion. Intuition.
Pentacles                           Earth                             Material world. Money. Practical. Physical.

The Major Arcana was originally created with Justice as the 8th card and Strength as the 11th card. But, in the early 20th century, Arthur Edward Waite flipped the cards’ positions when he created his famous Rider-Waite deck. 
This were disruptive to the flow of the Major Arcana’s spiritual-path story.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Messages from your Angels _ reading for 15 April 2015 ■ ARCHANGEL URIEL

"Your emotions are healing, which enables you to open up to greater love."

Archangel Uriel is called the "Psychologist Angel"

He helps healing people from toxic thoughts and emotions.

He also helps us with forgiveness and releasing anger.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Angel Dream reading for 14 April 2015 ■ THE SNAKE

This is the time for new beginnings. The snake symbolises Rebirth, shedding the old for the new.  Is there something you need to let go? Maybe toxic relationships? Negativity?
This can be the time for a new project or relationship. There may be new opportunities on the horizon. Embrace new opportunities. Open yourself up for something new. Something to empower yourself.  Don't be afraid of your own personal power.
Remember the Angels and your Creator are with you always.  Ready to help and answer our prayers
Have an awesome day and remember; you have the right to be happy!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't

The Law of Attraction (universal energy around you that obeys the science of physics) is reacting to the vibration you are contribution. Right now, in this very instant, it is corresponding to your vibration by giving you more of the same vibrations, whether positive or negative.

Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency.
As you think, those thoughts are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency.
Everything sent out returns to the source. And that source is You.
The law of attraction says: like attracts like, so when you think a
thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you.


Disappointment , distress, frustration, regret
Sadness , grief, sorrow
Stress , anxiety, pressure
Anger , wrath,
Hurt , unhappiness


Joy, happiness, delight, pleasure
Love, friendship
Abundance, wealth
Comfort, security
Affection, friendliness


 Don’t hesitate to call                                       Call me soon
Don’t fear                                                        Stay calm
Don’t forget                                                     Remember to...
Don’t be late                                                    See you on time
Don’t slam the door                                          Close it quietly
I don’t want to be hurt                                       I’ll be okay
I don’t want my customers to cancel                  I want my customers to keep their appointments

Your current thoughts are forming your future life.

What you reflect on the most or focus on the most will appear as your life.

All that surrounds you at the moment in your life, together with the things you're complaining about, you have attracted.

When you express words negatively, then the law of attraction is receiving for example:

"I don't want to spill something on my dress."
"I want to spill something on my dress."
Instead say something like “My dress will stay clean”

The law of attraction is providing you with exactly what you are thinking about.

The 3-Step Formula for Deliberate Attraction

Step 1: Identify Your Desire
Step 2: Give Your Desire Attention
Step 3: Allow It

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Attract Your Dream Career

Repeat these positive affirmations to yourself each day as much as you wish. With intention that your life will change for the better.
See how your life truely will change for the better.

The 3-Step Formula for Deliberate Attraction

Step 1: Identify Your Desire
Step 2: Give Your Desire Attention
Step 3: Allow It

I am amazing at my job
I am finding my dream job
I am always open to opportunities to acquire my dream job
I always leave people wanting to work with me
I am confident within myself and my abilities to perform my dream job
I am putting out a vibe that I’m a hard worker that others pick up on
I find it easy to network with others
I am worthy of doing a job that I love
I just naturally ace interviews
I naturally attract job opportunities