Thursday, October 15, 2015

You are a living magnet

You are a living magnet;
you  attract into  your life people, situations and circumstances
that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts.
Whatever you dwell on  in the conscious grows in your experience.

Brian Tracy

The mind is a magnet

Never expect a  thing you do not want,
and never desire a thing you do not expect.
When you expect  something you do not want, 
you attract the undesirable,
and when you desire  a thing that is not expected,
you simply dissipate  valuable  mental force.
On the other hand,
when you constantly expect that which you persistently desire,
your ability to  attract  becomes  irresistible.
The mind is a magnet and attracts  whatever corresponds  to its ruling state.

Dr. Raymond Holliwell

Happy pocket full of money

Spend your money gladly, cheerfully, and with excitement. Whether you are buying items or paying bills, be glad that you are doing it. Money runs away from those who feel it is in shortage, those who have negativity towards its use.

David Cameron

Wealth and money is abundant!!

Never look at the visible supply.
Look always at the limitless riches in formless substance,
and KNOW that they are coming to you as fast as you can receive and use them.
Nobody, by cornering the visible supply,
can prevent you from getting what is yours.

- Wallace D. Wattles

Positive Thinking Power: Dr Emoto's Rice Experiment

The rice experiment is another famous Emoto demonstration of the power of negative thinking (and conversely, the power of positive thinking.)

In this experiment, Dr Emoto placed portions of cooked rice into two containers. On one container he wrote "thank you" and on the other "you fool". He then instructed school children to say the labels on the jars out loud everyday when they passed them by. Aftr 30 days, the rice in the container with positive thoughts had barely changed, while the other was moldy and rotten.

If you have any doubt in the validity of this test, try it at home for yourself. Be sure to spend at least 30 seconds, twice a day consciously intending negative thoughts or positive thoughts at the respective containers of rice. And make sure you use cooked rice, as its water content is what produces the results.

Science of getting rich

There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science,
like algebra or arithmetic.
There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches,
and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone,
that person will get rich with mathematical certainty. 

– Wallace D. Wattles.

Count your BLESSINGS day 1

I am truly blessed to have a wonderful husband because he loves me.
I am grateful for Albert Einstein because he inspires me.
I am blessed to have a healthy body because it gives me energy.
I am thankful for abundance of money because it makes my dreams come true.
I am thankful for talents because I can express my creativity.
I am thankful for my house because it keeps me safe.
I am thankful for the rain because it nurtures nature. 
I am blessed for my job because I can work from home.
I am thankful for my blog success because it may inspire people.
I am blessed with a beautiful daughter because she makes me happy.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Gratitude  turns  relationships  into  joyful  and  meaningful  relationships
Gratitude  makes  you  more  prosperous.    
Gratitude  increase  health  and  brings  happiness.    
Gratitude  accelerate  careers
Gratitude increases success

The power of gratitude turns your life into gold!

Give thanks!!!

Give  thanks  for the  morning  light, for your  life  and  strength.
Give  thanks  for your  food  and  the  joy  of  living.
If  you  see  no  reason  for giving  thanks, the fault lies with yourself.” Tecumseh 

Law of the Universe