Tuesday, April 7, 2015


The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't

The Law of Attraction (universal energy around you that obeys the science of physics) is reacting to the vibration you are contribution. Right now, in this very instant, it is corresponding to your vibration by giving you more of the same vibrations, whether positive or negative.

Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency.
As you think, those thoughts are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency.
Everything sent out returns to the source. And that source is You.
The law of attraction says: like attracts like, so when you think a
thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you.


Disappointment , distress, frustration, regret
Sadness , grief, sorrow
Stress , anxiety, pressure
Anger , wrath,
Hurt , unhappiness


Joy, happiness, delight, pleasure
Love, friendship
Abundance, wealth
Comfort, security
Affection, friendliness


 Don’t hesitate to call                                       Call me soon
Don’t fear                                                        Stay calm
Don’t forget                                                     Remember to...
Don’t be late                                                    See you on time
Don’t slam the door                                          Close it quietly
I don’t want to be hurt                                       I’ll be okay
I don’t want my customers to cancel                  I want my customers to keep their appointments

Your current thoughts are forming your future life.

What you reflect on the most or focus on the most will appear as your life.

All that surrounds you at the moment in your life, together with the things you're complaining about, you have attracted.

When you express words negatively, then the law of attraction is receiving for example:

"I don't want to spill something on my dress."
"I want to spill something on my dress."
Instead say something like “My dress will stay clean”

The law of attraction is providing you with exactly what you are thinking about.

The 3-Step Formula for Deliberate Attraction

Step 1: Identify Your Desire
Step 2: Give Your Desire Attention
Step 3: Allow It

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Attract Your Dream Career

Repeat these positive affirmations to yourself each day as much as you wish. With intention that your life will change for the better.
See how your life truely will change for the better.

The 3-Step Formula for Deliberate Attraction

Step 1: Identify Your Desire
Step 2: Give Your Desire Attention
Step 3: Allow It

I am amazing at my job
I am finding my dream job
I am always open to opportunities to acquire my dream job
I always leave people wanting to work with me
I am confident within myself and my abilities to perform my dream job
I am putting out a vibe that I’m a hard worker that others pick up on
I find it easy to network with others
I am worthy of doing a job that I love
I just naturally ace interviews
I naturally attract job opportunities

Think and grow rich

The 3-Step Formula for Deliberate Attraction

Step 1: Identify Your Desire
Step 2: Give Your Desire Attention
Step 3: Allow It

Others are starting to notice how driven and full of purpose I am.
I am highly driven and motivated to succeed .
I am fully dedicated to growing my wealth.
I am on the path to abundance.
have the ability to make large amounts of money
I am already rich
My mind is focused on achieving great wealth
I have unbreakable confidence in myself
I have the will and the desire to reach unlimited heights of success
I will think positively and create a wonderful life for myself
I am fully capable of achieving whatever I set my mind to


Intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carry out a desired action or goal in the future.

It is based on the believe that the outcome of the action will satisfy and come true.

This involves mental activities such as planning and forethought.

Prayer is a form of planned intention.