Monday, March 3, 2025

Are You a Lightworker, an Earth Angel, or Both?


Are You a Lightworker, an Earth Angel, or Both?

This quiz will help you discover whether you resonate more as a Lightworker, an Earth Angel, or both. 

Answer the questions honestly, and at the end, you’ll receive your result!

For each statement, choose the answer that best describes you:

A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

Personality & Core Traits

I have always felt different from others, as if I don’t quite belong on Earth.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I feel deeply connected to divine love and higher realms, even as a child.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

My intuition is incredibly strong, and I often sense things before they happen.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I feel a strong inner calling to help humanity awaken and heal.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I am naturally drawn to spirituality, energy healing, or metaphysical topics.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I sometimes feel homesick for a place I can’t quite remember.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I’ve been told that I have an angelic or very calming presence.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I feel a deep sense of purpose, even if I don’t always know exactly what it is.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I am often sensitive to the emotions and energy of others.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I believe I have had past lives or experiences in higher dimensions.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

Mission & Life Path

I feel a strong urge to spread knowledge and awareness to help others awaken.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I find myself guiding others, whether through advice, teaching, or healing work.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I feel deeply called to help raise the collective consciousness of humanity.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

My life has been full of spiritual awakenings and challenges that forced me to grow.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I have experienced moments where I felt like I was channeling divine wisdom or energy.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I often put others before myself, even when it drains me.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

People are drawn to me when they need comfort, healing, or support.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I sometimes feel an unexplainable urgency to help shift the world’s energy.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

My energy naturally uplifts others, even when I’m not trying.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I feel called to be of service, whether through healing, teaching, or guiding.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

Sensitivities & Challenges

I am highly sensitive to the energy of places, people, and events.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

Large crowds or chaotic environments drain me or overwhelm me easily.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I have had moments where I feel like I am not from this planet.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I struggle with setting boundaries because I naturally want to help.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I have a hard time watching violence, suffering, or injustice without feeling deeply affected.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I often absorb others’ emotions as if they were my own.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I feel a deep sadness for the state of the world but believe I can help change it.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I sometimes feel like my physical body is too dense or heavy for me.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I struggle with feeling grounded and staying fully present in the material world.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

I have a strong connection to nature, animals, or celestial beings.
A (Strongly Agree)
B (Somewhat Agree)
C (Neutral or Unsure)
D (Somewhat Disagree)
E (Strongly Disagree)

Scoring & Results

Mostly A & B → You Are an Earth Ange
You have a deeply loving and nurturing energy, and you likely incarnated on Earth to spread divine love and healing. Your presence alone brings peace, and you may feel connected to angelic or celestial realms.
Mostly B & C → You Are a Lightworker
  • You are here to help awaken and guide humanity. You may be a healer, teacher, or visionary who actively seeks to uplift others and expand consciousness. You are likely drawn to metaphysical teachings and energy work.
A Mix of A, B, and C → You Are Both!
  • You carry the energy of both an Earth Angel and a Lightworker. You have a strong celestial connection while also being deeply committed to guiding and healing humanity through spiritual awakening and transformation.
Mostly D & E → You Are on a Different Path
While you may not resonate as an Earth Angel or Lightworker, you still have a unique purpose in this world. Perhaps you are a grounded healer, a truth-seeker, or someone whose mission is to experience and learn rather than guide. Your journey is equally important!

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